Private Equity, Divergent Demand Forecasts and the Energy Transition

In this Executive Insights, Calash has brought together some of the most recent demand forecast data, alongside its own insights into investment trends in the energy sector, to provide a view on the risks facing investors in the power and energy space.

We take a deep dive into how radically different growth scenarios across traditional and new energy sources may impact the investment appetite of financial sponsors in the coming years.


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Executive Insights

North Sea Energy

There’s space in the North Sea for both offshore wind and natural gas production to provide sustainable energy for northern European nations – but will a limited pool of offshore service providers meet the growing demand of operators?

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Executive Insights

SURF’s UP: Navigating the subsea transition

May 2022: The subsea market is heavily exposed to the energy transition, with offshore wind increasingly providing new project work. However, telecoms, power, and even deep-sea mining, are other areas of potential diversification. But how best to gain exposure to these booming markets?

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